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Seeds | Pedogenesis Inc
1-218-630-5531 Contact Us
Seeds and Seed Treatment

Seeds and Seed Treatment

Start with quality organic seed for emergent success.

Good seed doesn’t cost — it pays. Early planning for success starts with creating a plan for your farm or garden and getting those seeds lined up and ready to go once spring planting season is here. Order your seeds early to avoid the varieties you want being out of stock.

Buying organic seeds is important because it guarantees they have not been treated with fungicides. Certified organic seeds are harvested from certified organic crops. Organic seeds may, however, be a hybrid seed (one related species bred with another related species) or heirloom variety (never been altered in any way). In order to qualify for the USDA Organic certification, farmers must purchase organic seed only. If you cannot find organic seed, you are allowed to use conventional, untreated seeds. However, you may want to look for seed companies who have signed the “Safe Seed Pledge”, stating that they are not knowingly selling GMO seeds.

Pedogenesis partners with a couple seed companies you can consider: De Dell Seeds, which offers over 30 Non-GMO corn hybrids, and Prairie Creek Seed, which offers organic corn hybrids, sorghums, alfalfas, grasses and cover crops for the Midwest and northern regions of the US.

Since organic seeds are not treated with any chemicals prior to sales it means you will need to be more diligent to plant in optimal conditions. If you experience a crop failure your results may be the result of poor growing conditions, not poor seeds. Where a treated seed may survive more challenging conditions and still germinate and grow, an organic or untreated seed may fail. Make sure you understand what your crops need (soil temp, for example) for successful germination and early growth, and pay close attention to extended weather forecasts as you plan your planting time.

You can get your seeds off to a good start by using seed treatment through our Premium Growing System. We at Pedogenesis are always looking at ways to enhance and safeguard seed planted under our system, including using natural tree oils on planted seed or growing crops. We are also looking at ways to retain moisture for growing crops by using polymers that hold critical moisture in the soil where rainfall is a most-limiting factor. This has been a successful concept in dryer regions.

Let us know what we can do to make your organic farm more successful in 2017. Happy planting!

Call or email us for more information.
1-218-630-5531 Contact Us

Welcome to De Dell Seeds!

Welcome to De Dell Seeds!

Pedogenesis has joined with De Dell Seeds to insure that our customers receive the highest quality Non-GMO and Organic Seed. We are proud to offer over 30 great Non-GMO corn hybrids!

De Dell Seeds was established in 1999, and are proud to be a “family only” owned and operated seed corn company! They are one of the few “GMO Free” seed corn companies. All of their hybrids are GMO Free and can be compared to any other seed corn on the market.

De Dell Seeds does not use Neonicotinoids (insecticide) as a standard treatment. By choosing De Dell’s Conventional crops you will maintain the health of your barns, the environment, your family, as well as have healthier profits on your farm. So keep your money on the farm, and keep your barns and family healthy by choosing conventional crops.

De Dell Seeds

We are proud to offer over 30 great Non-GMO corn hybrids!