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Soil Reclamation | Pedogenesis Inc
1-218-630-5531 Contact Us

Soil Reclamation

Make all acres profitable by reclaiming low production or non-arable areas

Non-arable soils are not productive because the soil is lacking nutrient balance and fertility. Nutrient balance starts with calcium and magnesium, but includes all the soil minerals in balance to achieve maximum fertility and therefore yield in all types of soils and weather.

Our Premium Growing System follows the teachings of Dr. William Albrecht and Neal Kinsey, who was a student of the late Albrecht. Dr. Albrecht’s research on soil fertility revealed nutrient balance is the foundation for achieving proper soil fertility. That balance starts with calcium and magnesium, but includes all the soil minerals in balance to achieve maximum fertility and yields.

Why is calcium/magnesium so important?

  • It has been proven that calcium is the most important element among all plant food elements
  • Magnesium in excess is poisonous to plants because it displaces calcium from its important function in the cell nucleus
  • A balanced amount of calcium prevents the poisoning effect of magnesium
  • An excess of calcium lowers the function of magnesium in the plant, which then reduces plant production.

The commercial fertilizer industry considers calcium and magnesium as secondary elements in importance. But the truth is that for soil and plants calcium and magnesium are of primary importance both in the right amounts and for their bio-chemical significance.

Under our Premium Growing system, our first priority is to balance the calcium/magnesium and then address the other minerals and micronutrients, which are more important to crop quality and yield than the conventional wisdom and texts teach. We also apply unique fertilizer blends, soil starters, crop feeders, and crop finishers to achieve higher quality and yields.

We can help you reclaim non-producing or increase under-producing land that will provide a ROI for years to come!