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The goal of quality soil management is to meet essential plant needs. Plants need water, nutrients, carbon, and oxygen. All of our actions managing soils will affect these components, which is why we emphasis soil testing. Under applying nutrients retards plant growth and will reduce your production. Over application of nutrients is not only expensive, it’s also an environmental hazard. This holds true for organic nutrient sources as well as synthetic fertilizers. Using organic sources such as compost and manure does not mean that you should apply as much as is readily available.

Soil testing enables you to know the makeup of your soil and helps you determine how much fertilizer you need to apply. At Pedogenesis we can assist you with your soil sample needs. After meeting with you, we will take a soil sample to best determine your needs. We use the Farm Logic program to map out your fields and set GPS coordinates for each sample taken. Setting these coordinates will give him the opportunity to test the same spot after amendments are made to see how your soil has improved in the exact same spot.

Call or email us for more information.
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